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Nuts and Volt for 2011: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Журнал Nuts and Volt за январь 2011 года. Magazine Nuts and Volt in January 2011
Журнал Nuts and Volt за февраль 2011 года. Magazine Nuts and Volt in February 2011 Build a Wi-Fi Sprinkler System - Part 2 By Bob Colwell Now that you know how the Rabbit RCM5450W module works and how to interface relays and an LCD, it's time to set up your sprinkler system. Build a Wall Wart Power Monitor By David Goodsell This self-contained, battery-powered unit measures both DC current and voltage. It accepts four of the most common wall wart plugs and also has fouridentical output plugs - ready to hook to your project. Introducing the 32-bit Micro Experimenter By Thomas Kibalo It's here! We're graduating from our 16-bit Experimenter so we can experience a whole new level of applications with the 32-bit version. Projects Arduino Channel Surfer & Other Diabolical Gadgets By Andy Sullivan With an understanding of IR codes, a wide range of devices can be built that offer new remote control capabilities. Columns TechKnowledgey 2011 Events, Advances, and News Read about a device that gets its juice from heat and light, a better battery management system, a major upgrade for speakerphones, disposable e-books, plus some other stuff you'll find fascinating. PICAXE Primer Sharpening Your Tools of Creativity Experimenting With Touch-Sensitive Keypads. Q & A Reader Questions Answered Here This month's questions revisit the CAT 5 cable tester and cover a 400 Hz gyro drive, analog isolation techniques, and an LED chaser circuit, just to name a few. Smiley's Workshop Programming Hardware Projects avrtoolbox - Open Source and Version Control. Open Communication The Latest in Networking and Wireless Technologies New Versions of the 555Timer IC. FUNdamentals For Beginners Just getting started in eiectronics? Try these simple demos to illustrate electronics principles and how components function in actual circuits!
Журнал Nuts and Volt за март 2011 года. Magazine Nuts and Volt in March 2011 TechKnowledgey 2011 Events, Advances, and News Learn how diamonds are a switch's best friend, a new solar speed record has been set, and a third option for color printing that's become available, plus some other stuff you'll find fascinating. The Spin Zone Adventures in Propeller Programming Wii Will Rock You. The Design Cycle Advanced Techniques for Design Engineers Fly High With the New SPECTRUM ACE Embedded Control System. Q&A Reader Questions Answered Here This month's questions include how to set up a custom website, a circuit for pulsating LEDs, a car finder, plus a turn signal reminder, just to name a few. Computer Controlled Air/Steam Engine This alternative energy project is two-fold. First, convert a two-cycle engine to run on pressure (air/steam). Then, create a control system to optimize engine performance. ¦ By John Molnar В номере: Create Indoor Lightning With This Miniature Van de Graaff Generator Amaze your family and friends with this unique project that teaches electrostatic concepts. ¦ By David Williams Introducing CHIPINO - the Bridge Between PICs and Arduinos Combine the favorite features of these two microcontrollers through a new morphed module. ¦ By The CHIPAXE Team Smiley's Workshop Programming · Hardware · Projects avrtoolbox - Organizing an Open Source Project. Near Space FUNdamentals For Beginners Just getting started in electronics? Try these simple demos to illustrate electronics principles and how components function in actual circuits Build a Two-Transistor Oscillator
Журнал Nuts and Volt за апрель 2011 года. Magazine Nuts and Volt in April 2011 TechKnowledgey 2011 Events, Advances, and News This month, read about platooning, desktop performance in a portable, a free Pascal compiler, and how to give your handhelds a charge, plus some other interesting stuff. PICAXE Primer Sharpening Your Tools of Creativity Experimenting with capacitive-touch sensors Q&A Reader Questions Answered Here A battery charge limiter, SPICE modeling, and a 433 MHz transmitter are some of the things you'll learn about this time. Build the Stroboscopic Zoetrope Try a new electronic "spin" on a very old animation technique By Walter Noon Cover image courtesy of Matthew Roddy. Cover model is Victoria Masina. True-Reading Automobile Gas Gauge Finally, here's a device that can tell you exactly what your fuel level is. By Dan Gravatt USB and the 32-Bit Micro Experimenter Equip your Experimenter with a USB hardware interface to use in a variety of applications. By Thomas Kibalo Mixed Voltage Systems - Interfacing 5V and 3.3V Devices Get a clear understanding of the various options for interfacing signals at different voltages. By Chris Savage Smiley's Workshop Programming · Hardware · Projects USB to UART for Electronic Prototyping - Part 1. The Design Cycle Advanced Techniques for Design Engineers Drive your projects with the SPECTRUM ACE ECS. Open Communication The Latest in Networking and Wireless Technologies The wireless frequency spectrum crisis.